Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pleased to announce...

We've got another little one coming!

Nate's pretty excited about it.
(Actually he has no clue, but he loves other people's babies, so hopefully he'll love this one too)

The expected due date is April 7 or April 8, they keep telling me different days...
But that's kind of fun since it's so close to my birthday.  So that makes us 12 1/2 weeks along.  Yay for almost being done with the first trimester!

Some people have called us crazy for having Nate during the first year of law school and now we're on to number two. Crazy it may seem, but a blessing it is! We are grateful for children and the power they have to teach us and help us to become better people.  And we can't wait for Nate to be a big brother!


  1. Congratulations! Nate is going to be an excellent big brother, no doubt about it. You guys rock!

  2. Congratulations!! You guys are such incredible parents and we're excited for you! Please post heaps of pictures :)

  3. So excited for you! We have loved that Karla and Kylee were so close. We wanted to do it for Kaylyn too--abigail would have been her name, but alas, I wasn't healthy enough to do it like that at that point. What a blessing. It's hard, but the Lord will make it possible. We are so excited for you. With Kylee and Karla I kept reminding myself it would get easier after Kylee turned 2--and it does. Just so you know.

  4. So excited for you guys! What an adorable family :)

  5. Congrats!! So excited for you! :)

  6. yay! so excited for you guys!! You guys are wonderful!

  7. Fun! We need to meet up soon!! I hope the pregnancy goes well! First trimester almost finished, just two more to go! Congrats to all of you!!!

  8. congrats janae!! that is so exciting. So how many months will they be apart?? Hope everything goes well. Healthy baby and healthy pregnancy!

  9. Congrats and yay for almost being done with the first trimester! You are such a cute mom!

  10. Congrats, you guys rock my face off! - Ryan H.
