Saturday, September 8, 2012

Imagine a beautiful day, like this:

*I may be exaggerating slightly... It was a little cloudy, but the story is better with this image in mind :)

Steve needs to get some work done and Nate is getting restless and just wants to play on Steve's computer.  So I decide to take Nate on a walk to the library to drop off our library books and library movies (one of which is Pride and Prejudice.  Thanks Steve for watching it with me :)). 

So we load up the stroller and head out.  After walking maybe 100 yards it starts to sprinkle.  I think to myself, "Shoot, I really need to return these books.  The library isn't too far, I'll just walk quickly and it'll be a refreshing cool walk." 

I get about 100 more yards towards the library and it starts to rain a little harder.  So foolishly I say to myself, "I'll REALLY hurry and if it gets bad, I'll just call Steve to pick me up at the library."  

About 5 seconds later, the wind comes.  Absolutely NO warning for this wind.  It wasn't just a breeze.  A big political sign and tree branches flew by me.  That's when I realized I needed to book it home to save my library books and more importantly my child.

Within 10 seconds of that wind the rain DUMPED from the sky.  It looked a bit like this:

I tried to find a picture of a mom pushing a stroller in the rain and I couldn't find one.  That might be because most mothers are smart enough to check the weather before taking their children on walks.  So you'll just have to imagine the rest of this story.

So...imagine me in shorts and sandals, pushing Nate in a stroller in this huge wind/rain storm that all started in about 15 seconds without warning. I'm trying to keep Nate under the canopy thing of the stroller and save the library books and tuck my phone in somewhere safe and sprint home all at the same time.  Nate was freaking out, I think he seriously thought he was drowning.  The stroller canopy wasn't keeping him dry AT ALL, so I ended up taking him out and he grabbed onto me tighter than I thought a baby good hold on.  I was laughing because I knew I looked ridiculous and I'm sure my neighbors that happened to look out their window at the perfect moment had a good laugh too.  

It was quite the adventure.  The moral of the story: do not underestimate what sprinkling can become within seconds.

And just so you know I think my library books are okay.


  1. That is hilarious and I can just imagine it :) Glad your books are okay!

  2. Wow, what a story! I remember that storm. It came fast and it was VERY windy. Well, it's a good story now.
