Thursday, August 25, 2011

My first earthquake

So I was shopping at this super cool thrift store I found called "Unique".  It's really cool.  All of a sudden people started screaming and the ground started shaking.  I have no idea why I didn't think there was an earthquake, I was just surprised and confused.  Then plates and vases started falling off the shelves.  People started running toward the exit.  I seriously thought someone was shooting.  So I just followed everyone and ran outside.  As I stood there with everyone, it occurred to me, "That was an earthquake!"  Why I didn't think that when my feet were wobbling on the ground, I don't know.  So, it was some excitement added to my day.

Steve was in class and his professor is I guess hard of hearing and thought it was someone's phone.  So he made a goofy comment like, "If it's for me, tell them I'm teaching"  and went on with the lecture.  Then the rumbling started and they were all evacuated.  He must be really hard of hearing if he thought that was a cell phone, vibrating the entire building :)  We're glad nothing too big happened and now we've got a good story to tell :)


  1. Hahaha! Janae that is hilarious! I'm glad you are safe :)

  2. Sounds like you guys are having an exciting life out there! Earthquake, hurricane.... what's next?!
